The Terzi (Tailor) series, which will meet the audience on Netflix on May 2, is one of the long-awaited projects. The series, starring Çağatay Ulusoy, was originally going to be broadcast on tv8 under the name Süslü Korkuluk. However, when the costs per episode were too high, the possibility of a television channel broadcasting this series disappeared and Netflix took over the project.
The Terzi series, which also includes important names such as Şifanur Gül, Salih Bademci, Olgun Şimşek, Evrim Alasya, Berrak Tüzünataç, Engin Şenkan, will meet with Netflix audiences on May 2. However, according to the famous actor Çağatay Ulusoy, this series is not like Netflix works.
Speaking at the introductory meeting of the series, Çağatay Ulusoy said, “It has been 5-6 months since I finished the project. We shot 3 seasons together. Of course, as in every business, we set out here with good energies, good intentions and good wishes. It’s a kind of drama that we’re used to. However, the platform is a job that Netflix is not used to. As a style of expression, as a structure.”
The Terzi series is such an important turn for Netflix that Çağatay Ulusoy and his friends are opening a new door! 1
In fact, with these statements, the famous actress explained that Turkish television viewers are used to drama-style works that follow television series and broadcast on mainstream channels, and that a platform such as Netflix, which produces different and original projects, is making projects in a way that they are not accustomed to.
This situation, in fact, seems to be a very important opportunity to see how the audience interest will be realized if the drama series on television are reflected on Netflix.
It has already been a matter of curiosity how the Terzi series, which is more suitable for television in terms of Çağatay Ulusoy’s narration style, will gain success on Netflix as a digital production.
Çağatay Ulusoy, who gave information about the story of the series, which can be summarized as the story of a tailor character finding himself, gave the following details:
“A story about a tailor’s coming to terms with finding himself, getting to know himself, his friends and family relationships, and the past from which he escaped. We think it is a series that embodies the power of love, conveys the power of love to the audience with the changes of the characters, has good messages, and the viewers can choose and evaluate the good points from it.”
Çağatay Ulusoy, who plays the character of Peyami, stated that at the end of the story, the character, who confronts his past, will also be told how strongly he has come back.
All episodes were shot in the Terzi series, which will last for 3 seasons, and it was announced by Netflix that the first season will meet with the audience on May 2.