The first trailer of Show TV’s new series “Sandık Kokusu” (The smell of the chest), produced by O3 Media, written by Melis Civelek and Zeynep Gür, creative consultant by Zeynep Günay, and directed by Nezaket Coşkun, met with the audience. .

In its squad; The first trailer released from the series, which brings together master names such as Özge Özpirinçci, Demet Akbağ, Metin Akdülger and Necip Memili, increased curiosity and expectation.

‘Sandık Kokusu’, the shooting of which started in Adana and continues in Istanbul, created excitement on social media with the impressive promotion shared.

‘Sandık Kokusu’ will bring together the audience with its deep characters, a strong woman’s struggle to survive, the difficult journey of becoming a family and becoming liberated despite the burdens from the past.

In the series where the stories of mothers and daughters will be told; Sometimes you will laugh, sometimes you will cry, but you will always find something from yourself.

‘Sandık Kokusu’ will be on Show TV soon.

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