The expected day has come on Hande Erçel’s Instagram account!

Famous Actress Hande Erçel has created a huge fan base with her TV series. However, none of them had as big an impact as the TV series Sen Çal Kapımı (Love is in the Air)! The young actress opened the doors of international fame with this romantic comedy series in which she starred with Kerem Bürsin!

The actress, who had foreign fans before, became a worldwide known name in a short time after the TV series “Sen Çal Kapımı” was sold to more than 80 countries! The actress has not been on the screen for a while, but she continues to be talked about all the time!

The actress, whose new project is eagerly awaited after her agreement with the Disney + platform, is also among the names followed with interest on social media.

While Erçel’s series “Sen Çal Kapımı” was going on, there was a period in which she quickly reached millions of followers.

Expressing that she was very surprised by this situation in a program she appeared in, Erçel stunned everyone when she reached 20 million figures as a celebrity who uses social media effectively.

The actress’s increasing number of followers over time was close to 30 million for a while. However, this number recently reached 30 million and started to pass.

Hande Erçel, whose number of followers has reached a level that even many world-famous stars cannot reach, often uses this advantage for the brands she is the face of advertising.

The actress provides a great interaction on social media by reaching millions of people with every share she makes on her Instagram account. This causes many brands to run after Hande Erçel!

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