Good and bad news from the series of Aldatmak

ATV’s series “Aldatmak” (Deception), produced by TIMS&B Productions and produced by Timur Savcı and Burak Sağyaşar, was on the screen on Thursday, April 20, with its 27th episode.

Interest in the show’s strong story continues. However, ratings continue to decline. The 27th episode of the Aldatmak series brought ATV the first place in the category of all people. However, in the AB and ABC1 groups, the series could only be third.

Vahide Perçin plays the leading role in the TV series “Aldatmak” and fans of the series admire the performance of the actress. There are a lot of viewers who think the story is going well too.

However, the disturbing situation is the regression of the ratings to the average. Even in the AB group, the audience interest was below the average.

The series still has a very strong audience in the all-person category, and this keeps the story afloat. However, one should not lose sight of the fact that the rating loss continues towards the end of the season.

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