Hafsanur Sancaktutan has recently exhibited a remarkable rise in Turkey. The actress, who attracted the attention of a wide audience with the series she appeared in, also gained strong fan support in a short time.

Hafsanur Sancaktutan, who has become one of the most talked about names of the recent period in the social media environment, has made significant progress in a short time in her professional career, which she started with the Gülperi series in 2018.

After Gülperi, the series Aşk Ağlatır, Son Yaz, Dünyayla Benim Aramda, Darmaduman and finally Ya Çok Seversen are remembered as very good projects.

The actress, who had a very successful partnership with Alperen Duymaz in the TV series Son Yaz (Last Summer), also shared the set with Kerem Bürsin in the TV series Ya Çok Seversen (If You Love).

Kerem Bürsin has a huge fan base abroad. The TV series Ya Çok Seversen, which received strong support from this audience, became one of the Turkish TV series that attracted attention all over the world.

Of course, it was thanks to the great efforts of Kerem Bürsin fans that it reached this point. Kerem Bürsin’s influence was behind the broadcast of the series in different countries of the world.

In such an environment, Hafsanur Sancaktutan used the opportunity to showcase her talents very well and reached a wide fan base thanks to the series. We can say that the actress, who had the opportunity to make her name known to a wide audience abroad, has had a good career.

Explaining that Kerem Bürsin’s energy was very good for her, the actress said the following after the series finale:

“We had a lot of fun, it was a nice adventure for me, it was my first time doing a summer job, everything was great, now I’m going to rest a bit. “We were having a great time with Kerem, it was nice and we had a lot of fun, his energy was good for me.”

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